Хансен Луиза Ф.
Обсуждаются требования к уточненным расчетам радиационной защиты, обеспечивающей безопасную транспортировку контейнеров с компонентами ядерных боеголовок, специальными сборками и радиоактивными материалами. Делается вывод о необходимости: а) наличия детальной информации о геометрии и композиции материалов контейнера и радиоактивной загрузки; б) точного представления дифференциального энергетического спектра нейтронов и фотонов, выходящих из радиоактивных материалов в контейнере; в) наличия тестированных библиотек нейтронных и фотонных сечений; г) использования точных трехмерных кодов по методу Монте-Карло. Приведено краткое обсуждение необходимости надежных дозиметрических измерений.
1. United States Department of Energy, DOE Order 5610.12 (Draft). Packaging and Offsite Transportation of Components, Special Assemblies and Radioactive Materials associated with the Nuclear Weapons Program, Washington, DC (June 5, 1990).
2. Office of the Federal Register, National Archivesand Records Administration (Propose Rule). Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, Code of Federal Regulations. Title lO. Part 71, (Federal Register, Vol. 53, No. 110, p21556), Washington,DC (June 8, 1988).
3. Office of the Federal Register, National Archivesand Records Administration (Propose Rule), Shippers General Requirements for Shipment and Packaging, Subpart I – Radioactive Material, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 173, (Federal Register,Vol. 54, No 218, p 47464), Washington, DC (Draft June 5, 1990).
4. Design Guide for Packaging and Off-Site Transportation of Nuclear Compounds, Special Assemblies, and Radioactive Materials. Associated with the Nuclear Explosives and Weapon Safety Program, DOE ALSD5670.12, SG100 Rev. 0, March 2, 1994.
5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissions, Proposed Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 7.9: Standard Format and Content of Part 71 Applications for Approval of Packaging of Radioactive Material, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Standards Development, Washington DC, May 1988.
6. International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA Safety Series No. 6, Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, (1985 edition), Vienna (1988).
7. O.W. Hermann and R. M. Westfall, Scale System Module to Calculate Fuel Depletion, Actinide Transmutation, Fission Product Buildup and Decay, and Associated Radiation Source Terms, Scale-4, Vol.
II. Part I. Chapter 7, CCC-545, Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, O.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362 (1990).
8. MCNP4A General Monte Carlo Code for Neutron and Photon Transport, Version 4A,LA-7389- M Rev. 2, Los Alamos National Laboratory, December 1993.
9. E.F. Plechaty and J. R. Kimlinger, TARTNP: A Coupled Neutron-Photon Monte Carlo Transport Code, UCRL-50400, Vol. 14, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1976).
10. T.P. Wilcox, Jr. and E.M. Lent, COG-A ParticleTransport Code Designed to Solve the Bolzmann Equation for Deep-Penetration (Shielding) Problems, M-221-1, LLNL, February 1989.
11. J.T. West, T.J. Hoffman, and M.B. Emrnent, MORSE-SGC/S for the Scale System,Scale-4, Vol. II. Part I. Chapter 9. CCC-545, Radiation Shielding Information Center,Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6362 (1990).
12. MCNP: Photon Benchmark Problems, LA-12196. UC-705, September 1991. MCNP: Neutron Benchmark Problems, LA-12212. UC-705and UC-704. November 1991.
13. ENDF/B Summary Documentation, ENDF-201, NNDC, BNL, Version V (1987) and Version VI (1990).
14. ENDL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, UCRL-50400, Vol. 15, Parts A to E, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, April 1, Version 1988.
15. American National Standard Institute ANSVANS-6.1.1, January 1977.