Савушкин Л.Н.
В настоящей работе мы рассматриваем достижения релятивистской теории атомного ядра, созданной в течение последних 50 лет. Атомное ядро в таком подходе рассматривается как система нуклонов, двигающихся под влиянием мезонных полей различной природы, т.е. мезонных полей с различными пространственно-временными трансформационными свойствами. Мы обсуждаем базисные результаты, полученные в рамках релятивистской теории атомного ядра (основное состояние и возбуждения). Основной вывод: атомное ядро следует рассматривать как нелинейную релятивистскую ферми-систему.
1. Savushkin L.N., Fomenko V.N. One boson exchange potentials and their applications in the nuclear physics of low energies. Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei, 1977, vol.8, pp.371.
2. Савушкин Л.Н. Фоменко В.Н. Лекции для молодых учёных. Введение в мезонную теорию
ядерных взаимодействий и ядерных систем. Препринт ОИЯИ R4-83-369. Дубна, 1983.
3. Giai N.V., Savushkin L.N. Systematics of Nuclear Properties in the Framework of Relativistic Self-Consistеnt Models. Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei, 1992, vol.23, pp. 373.
4. Savushkin L.N., Toki H. The Atomic Nucleus as a Relativistic System. Proc. conf. "Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg". New York, 2004.
5. Savushkin L.N. Relativistic Nuclear Shell Model. St. Petersburg, Department of Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Publ., 2011.
6. Lalazissis G.A., Ring P., Vretenar D. Extended Density Functionals in Nuclear Structure Physics, Proc. conf. "Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg". New York, 2004, pp. 1, 31, 65, 119, 147, 175, 219, 239, 249.
7. Krutov V.A., Savushkin L.N. Relativity and Spin-Orbit Interaction in Nuclei. Journal of Physics A, 1973, vol.6, pp. 93.
8. Krutov V.A., Fomenko V.N., Savushkin L.N. Scheme of the Approximate Relativistic Theory of the
Nucleus. Journal of Physics A, 1974, vol. 7, pp. 372.
9. Savushkin L.N. Relativistic Nuclear Theory – Nucleons and Mesons: Origin, Current Status and Trends. Soviet Journal of Particles and Nuclei, 2015, vol.46, no.6, pp. 859.
10. Savushkin L.N. Relativity and Isotopic Spin Selection Rules for Nuclear Electric Dipole Transitions. Vestnik Leningrad State University, 1975, vol.16, pp. 41.
11. Savushkin L.N., Fomenko V.N. One Boson Exchange Potentials and Spin-Orbit Splitting of the Single Particle Levels in Nuclei. Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics, 1978, vol.28, pp.58.
12. Birbrair B.L., Savushkin L.N., Fomenko V.N. Nucleus as a Relativistic System. Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics, 1982, vol. 35, pp. 664.
13. Birbrair B.L., Fomenko V.N. Savushkin L.N. Stability of the Relativistic Nuclear Matter against the Pion Condensation. Journal of Physics G, 1982, vol.8, pp.1517.
14. Birbrair B.L., Savushkin L.N., Fomenko V.N. Vector Dominance and the Nuclear Coulomb Potential. Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics, 1983, vol.38, pp. 25.
15. Savushkin L.N., Marcos S., L.-Quelle M., Bernardos P., Fomenko V.N., Niembro R. Effective Interaction for Relativistic Theory of Nuclear Structure. Physical Review C, 1977, vol.55, pp.167.
16. Marcos S., Savushkin L.N., L.-Quelle M., Ring P. Pseudospin-orbit Potential in Relativistic Selfconsistent Models. Physical Review C, 2000, vol.62, pp.054309.
17. L.-Quelle M., Savushkin L.N., Marcos S., Bernardos P., Niembro R. The Pseudospin Symmetry in the Dirac-Hartree Approximation. Nuclear Physics A, 2003, vol.727, pp.269.
18. Marcos S., L.-Quelle M., Niembro R., Savushkin L.N. Pseudospin Symmetry as an Accidental Symmetry in the Relativistic Framework. European Physical Journal A, 2008, vol.37, pp.251.
19. Marcos S., L.-Quelle M., Niembro R., Savushkin L.N., Bernardos P. On the Sufficient Conditions for the Pseudospin Symmetry in the Dirac-Hartree Approximation. Physics Letters B., 2001, vol.513, pp.30.
20. Marcos S., Savushkin L.N., L.-Quelle M., Niembro R., Bernardos P. On the Relativistic Origin of the Kink-effect in the Chain of Pb-isotopes. Relativistic Physics Letters B., 2001, vol.507, pp.135.
21. Marcos S., Savushkin L.N., Fomenko V.N., L.-Quelle M., Niembro R. Description of Nuclear Systems within the Relativistic Hartree-Fock Method with Zero-Range Self-interactions of the Scalar Field. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Particle Physics, 2014, vol.30, pp.703.
22. Marcos S., L.-Quelle M., Niembro R., Savushkin L.N. Nuclear Tensor Force and Effective Pions in the Relativistic Hartree-Fock Formalism. Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics, 2014, vol.77, no.3, pp.299.
23. Li J.J., Long W. H., Margeron J., Van Giai N. Magicity of Neutron Nuclei within Relativistic Selfconsistent Approaches. Physics Letters B., 2014, vol.372, pp.169-173.
24. Liang H., Meng J., Zhou S.-G. Relativity and PSS in the Nuclear Structures. Physics Reports, 2015, vol.570, pp.1-84.