Куликов Г.Г., Шмелев А.Н., Апсэ В.А., Куликов Е.Г.
Предлагается новый замедлитель нейтронов – радиогенный свинец на основе изотопа 208Pb с низким сечением поглощения нейтронов. Использование его в быстром реакторе позволит замедлить реакцию деления на мгновенных нейтронах. Это улучшит безопасность реактора. Радиогенный свинец с высоким содержанием 208Pb может быть добыт из ториевых и торий-урановых руд, что подтверждают исследования, выполненные в Университете Сан Паулу (Бразилия).
1. Shmelev A.N., Kulikov E.G., Kulikov G.G., Apse V.A. Lead Containing Mainly Isotope 208Pb – a Neutron Moderator, Coolant and Reflector of Neutrons. Its Neutron-Physical Properties. Proc. Int. Conf. Physics of Reactors (GLOBAL’2011), Makuhari, 2011.
2. Kulikov G.G., Shmelev A.N., Apse V.A., Kulikov E.G., Artisyuk V.V. Radiogenic Lead with Dominant Content of 208Pb: New Coolant and Neutron Moderator for Innovative Nuclear Facilities. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2011. doi 10.1155 /2011/252903. Available at: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/stni/2011/252903/ (accessed 25 February 2016)
3. Shibata K. et al. JENDL-4.0: a New Library for Nuclear Science and Engineering. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2011, vol.48, no.1, pp. 1-30. doi:10.1080/18811248.2011.9711675
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5. Galanin A.D. Introduction to a Theory of Thermal Nuclear Reactors. Moscow, Energoatomizdat Publ., 1990.
6. Kulikov G.G., Shmelev A.N., Apse V.A. , Kulikov E.G. Lead, Containing Isotope Pb-208 – Heavy Neutron Moderator and Reflector. Its Neutron-Physical Properties. Moscow, NRNU MEPhI Publ., 2011, 49p.
7. Apse V.A., Shmelev A.N. Use of the Computer Code TIME26 in the Training Design of Fast Reactors and Accelerator-Driven Systems. Moscow, NRNU MEPhI Publ., 2008.
8. Nickolaev M.N. et al. Computer Code Package for Automatic Processing of Macroscopic Constants. Obninsk, IPPE Publ., 1972.
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10. Orlov V.V. et al. Design of BREST Reactor. Experimental Studies to Support the BREST Reactor Concept. Results and Plans. Proc. Int. Workshop Fast Reactor and Natural Safety Fuel Cycle for Large-Scale Energy System. Fuel Balance, Economics, Safety, Wastes and Non-Proliferation. Moscow, 2000.
11. Borisov O.M. et al. Requirements to the BREST Reactor Core. Proc. Int. Workshop Fast Reactor and Natural Safety Fuel Cycle for Large-Scale Energy System. Fuel Balance, Economics, Safety, Wastes and Non-Proliferation. Moscow, 2000.
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13. Khorasanov G.L., Korobeinikov V.V., Ivanov A.P., Blokhin A.I. Minimization of Uranium-Plutonium Load of the Fast reactor by Using Low-Capturing Enriched 208Pb as a Coolant. Proc. 12th Int. Scientific Conf. Physical and Chemical Processes in Atomic and Molecular Selection in Laser, Plasma and Nanotechnologies. Zvenigorod, 2008.
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15. Kolesov V.F. Aperiodic Pulsed Reactors. Sarov, Russian Nuclear Center-VNIIEF Publ., 2007.
16. Spriggs G.D., Bush R.D. Reflected Reactors: Point Kinetics and Prompt Critical. Proc. Topl. Mtg. Physics, Safety and Applications of Pulsed Reactors. Washington, 1994, p. 265-273.
17. Spriggs G.D., Bush R.D., Williams J.G. Two-Region Kinetic Models for Reflected Reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 1996, vol.23, no.3.
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20. Coats R.L., Long R.L. Reflector and Decoupling Experiments with Fast Burst Reactors. Proc. National Topl. Mtg. Fast Burst Reactors. Albuquerque, 1969.
21. Avery R. Theory of decoupled reactors. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Peaceful Uses Atomic Energy. Geneva, 1958, vol. 12, pp. 182-191.
22. Ponomarev-Stepnoi N.N. et al. Perspectives for Application of Micro Fuel Elements in VVER-Type Reactors. Atomic Energy, 1999, vol.86, no.6, pp. 411-418.
23. Shmelev A.N., Kulikov G.G., Apse V.A., Glebov V.B., Tsurikov D.F., Morozov A.G. Radiowaste Transmutation in Nuclear Reactors. Proc. Specialist Mtg. Use of Fast Reactors for Actinide Transmutation. Obninsk, 1992, p. 77-86.