Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants

since 1971

Русский (РФ)

ISSN 2414-1038 (online)

According to Guidelines for Authors all articles submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal are considered by the review panel. The reviewer is selected by the Executive Editor of the journal from the members of the Editorial Board (in concurrence with the Editor-in-Chief) or lead specialists active in the relevant field of the given work.

The Executive Editor notifies authors within 7 days about the delivery of the e-mailed article and original versions of all the necessary documents and sends the articles for review.

Each article is reviewed in a “single-blind” way – the reviewer knows the author’s name but remains unknown to him/her. Reviewers express their motivated critical comments concerning the material submitted, its compliance with the journal topics, novelty and topicality. Pursuant to the Journal Policy, current legislation in the sphere of copyright and reviewers’ recommendations, the Editorial Board takes the decision to publish the article.

The time limit for writing a review is determined in concurrence with the reviewer but it should not exceed the period of three weeks. The reviewer expresses his/her opinion on the possibility of publishing the article: “recommended for publication”, “recommended for publication with improvements considering the reviewer’s remarks” or “not recommended for publication”. In case of rejection to publish the article, the Editorial Board sends to the author the substantiated refusal signed by the Editor-in-chief or his/her deputy.

The original versions of the reviews are stored in the office of the scientific journal “Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants”. The review can be presented upon the written request of the author of the article, with no signature, full name, position and place of work of the reviewer. The author of the reviewed article has the right to disagree with the reviewer and editors and send a well-reasoned reply to them. The proper form of the reply is a modified version of the article and two letters enclosed: the list of answers to the reviewer’s comments and the cover letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief.

The content of each issue of the journal is approved at the Editorial Board meeting during which the publication of each article is decided considering the reviewers’ opinion. After the Editorial Board makes a decision to accept the article for publication, the Executive Editor informs the author of this fact and specifies the issue date.

The Review Format