Grigor'ev Yu.V.1, Kitaev V.Ya.1, Moiseev K.V.1, Sinitsa V.V.1, Fajkov-Stanchik H.2, Hen Syn Ho2
2Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Gamma-spectra from 1 to 12 multiplicity were measured on the 500 m and 122 m flight paths of the IBR-30 by means 16-section scintillation detector with a NaJ(Tl) crystals of a total volume of 36l and 16-section liquid scintillation detector of a total volume of 80 l for one metallic sample of diameter 80 mm and thickness 0.0011424 at/b with 99.9% plutonium-239. Spectra of multiplicity were obtained for resolved resonances in the energy region E=7-313 eV and in energy groups of the energy region E=2.15-2150 eV. They were used for determination of the value α=σγ/σf in energy groups and for 80 resonances of Pu-239. Similar values were calculated from BROND-2, ENDF/B-6 and JENDL-3 evaluated data libraries with the help of the GRUCON computer program.
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