Onishchuk Yu.N., Leshchenko B.E.
Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine
On the base of the existed time-of-flight neutron spectrometer the new variant has been carried out. It permits to measure the leakage neutron spectra from spherical samples with the 14 MeV central neutron source in the energy region 3-15 MeV. The flight path has been reduced from 10 to 5 meters in this variant. It allowed to reduce the lower threshold of the neutron registration from 5.7 to 3 MeV with some losses of the energy resolution. The methodical particulars are described. Special attention has been paid to the correct account of the background. It is pointed out that the nongrouped component of the 14 MeV initial neutrons must be taken into consideration in the data processing.
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