Zolotarev K.I., Ignatyuk A.V., Tolstikov V.A., Tertychnyj G.Ya.
Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Production of high actinides leads to many technological problems in the nuclear power. The 241Am(n,γ)242Am reaction is one of the sources of high actinide buildup. So a knowledge of the radiative capture crosssection of 241Am for neutron energies up to 20 MeV is of considerable importance for present day fission reactors and future advanced reactors. The main goal of this paper is the evaluation of the excitation function for the reaction 241Am(n,γ)242Am in the energy range 1 keV-20 MeV. The evaluation was done on the basis of analysed experimental data, data from theoretical model calculations and systematic predictions for 14.5 MeV and 20 MeV. Data from the present evaluation are compared with the cross-section values given in the evaluations carried out earlier.
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