Authors & Affiliations
Dzjuba B.M., Zvenigorodskij A.G., Lazarev L.M., Skidan S.G.
Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Sarov, Russia
The accessible articles (more than 80) concerning cross section reactions (x,γ), (x,α), (x,n), (x,p) were analysed. At first contemporary principal articles was chosen in which the experimental data errors were minimum. The rest articles were usedfor interval data enlargement. In covered energy intervals the data were sewn together. Data sets prepared like that were approximated by splain method.
splain method, 11B, p,d,α -particles, cross section reaction, interval data enlargement, the fine structure
Article Text (in Russian, PDF)
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UDC 539.17
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Constants", issue 1, 1998