Authors & Affiliations
Saukov A.I.1, Sukhanov B.I.1, Ryabinin A.M.1, Lyutov V.D.1, Shmakov V.M.1, Vasil'ev A.P.2
1Russian Technical Physics Institute, Snezhinsk, Russia
2Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering (NIKIET), Moscow, Russia
In Russian Technical Physics Institute (Snezhinsk) neutron and gamma-ray yields were measured for Al, Ti, Fe, Pb, U-238. The experimental cross sections were analyzed. Experimental and calculated data were compared. The calculations were made by MCNP code (USA) with ENDF/B-5 nuclear data. Considerable discrepancy was discovered. Therefore nuclear data these elements are is need of correction.
spherical and hemispherical samples, neutron spectrum leakage, check hemisphere photon spectra, neutron generator NG-200
Article Text (in Russian,PDF)
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4. Vasilyev A.P., Kuropatenko E.S., Lyutov V.D., Orlov A.I., Filippova E.Ya., Cherepanova E.I., Shmakov V.M. Nuclear Data Library - BAS. The History of Development and Validation For Criticality Safety Calculations/Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, p. 2*56, Albuquerque, NM, USA, September 17-21, 1995.
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UDC 539.125.52
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Constants", issue 2, 1998