Grigor'ev Ju.V.1, Kitaev V.Ja.1, Moiseev K.V.1, Panteleev C.C.2, Faikov-Stanchik H.2
1Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
The time-of-flight spectra from 1 to 15 multiplicity were measured on the 122 m flight path of the IBR-30 of LNP, JINR by means 16-section liquid scintillation (n,γ)-detector of volume of 80 l for two thin metallic Pu-239 samples-radiators without and with 4 thickness (0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2.3 mm) samples-filters on the neutron beam. Spectra of multiplicity, average multiplicity and α-value (α=sg/sf) were obtained from time-of-flight spectra for 27 resonances in energy range 7-170 eV and in energy groups for energy range 4.65-2150 eV with and without samples-filters of Pu-239. The resonance self-shielding effect in α-value and average multiplicity are observed in within limits 5-10% for experimental data.
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