Zabrodskaya S.V., Korchagina G.A., Koshcheev V.N., Nikolaev M.N., Tsibulya A.M.
State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation
A.I. Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The library of neutron reaction group cross-sections in the ABBN-93 constant set is described. The format used for data representation, the content and purpose of the sub-libraries and their practical application in the SCALE criticality safety estimation system are discussed.
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3. G.N. Manturov, M.N. Nikolaev, A.M. Tsibulya, ABBN-93 Group Constants System,
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9. Current Status of the ABBN-93 Library of Constants, IPPE Report No. 9866, (1998).
Compiled by M.N. Nikolaev, S.V. Zabrodskaya, V.N. Koshcheev, A.M. Tsibulya.
10. Eh.P. Popov, A.G. Tsikunov, S.V. Zabrodskaya, V.A. Grabezhnoj, Evaluation of the
activity and volumes of solid radwaste from a BN-350 reactor that is being shut down,
Paper presented at the 7th Russian scientific conference “Protection of Nuclear
Engineering Facilities from Ionizing Radiation”, Obninsk, 22-24 September 1998,
Obninsk (1999).
11. Eh.P. Popov, S.V. Zabrodskaya, A.G. Tsikunov, V.I. Usanov, Evaluation of the
admissible alloy content in low-activated fast reactor shielding materials, Paper
presented at the 7th Russian scientific conference “Protection of Nuclear Engineering
Facilities from Ionizing Radiation”, Obninsk, 22-24 September 1998, Obninsk (1999).
12. L.A. Kochetkov, A.G. Tsikunov, L.I. Mamaev, Eh.P. Popov, S.V. Zabrodskaya,
A.G. Khokhlov, Investigation of induced activity in the structure of a decommissioned
BR (fast reactor)-5, Proc. of an international seminar on nuclear safety, Cadarache,
13. V.I. Usanov, D.V. Pankratov, Eh.P. Popov, P.I. Markelov, L.D. Ryabaya,
S.V. Zabrodskaya, Radioecological properties of sodium, lead-bismuth and lead
coolants in fast neutron reactors, Yadernaya Ehnergetika, 1999, no. 2.
14. M.J. Halsall, A Summary of WIMSD4 Input Options, AEEW- M 1327, (1980).
15. Current status of the WIMS/ABBN 69-group system of constants, IPPE Report
1998, no. 9861. Compiled by G.N. Zherdev, V.N. Koshcheev.