Degtyarev I.I.1, Liashenko O.A.1, Lokhovitskii A.E.1, Yazynin I.A.1, Belyakov-Bodin V.I.2, Blokhin A.I.3
1SRC Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia
2SRC Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia
3State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation
A.I. Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk
The main changes compared to the previous RTS&T code version, concern the hadron- and photo-production model in intermediate and low energy regions, hadron- and photon-nucleus cross sections compilations, improved data for charged particle energy losses in composite materials, low energy neutron transport is described. The analysis of the neutron and gamma-ray transmission benchmarks problem in the low- and energy deposition in the intermediate energy region were done for the verification of the new code version and the nuclear data used in the code. The comparison between calculation and measurement data is presented.
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