Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants

since 1971

Русский (РФ)

ISSN 2414-1038 (online)

Authors & Affiliations

Grigoriev Yu.V.1, Sinitsa V.V.1, Mezentseva Zh.V.2, Ilchev G.L.2, Faikov-Stanchik H.3
1State Scientific Centre - A.I. Leipunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
3University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland


The neutron total transmissions and self-indication functions for the natural Nb, Mo and Pb have been measured at the 1006 m flight path of the IBR-30 by means of the 4p-geometry detector with the 3He counters. The metallic disks of different thickness and 80 mm diameter of Nb, Mo and Pb have been used as samples-filters for measurement of transmission functions. The group cross-sections and their self-shielding factors have been obtained from the ones in the energy range 0.100 - 200 keV. The experimental uncertainties of group cross sections and their self-shielding factors are 2-10%. Analogous values were calculated by the program GRUCON with the use of the BROND-2,ENDF/B-6.7, JENDL-3.2 and JEF-2.2 evaluated data libraries.

neutron total transmissions, self-indication functions, Nb, Mo, Pb, group cross-sections, self-shielding factors

Article Text (in Russian, PDF)


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Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Constants, issue 1-2, 2002