Abramov B.D.
Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Some reactor kinetics mathematical
modelling problems are considered in the framework of the standard 6-
group delayed neutron constants (Keepin, ABBN, JENDL, ENDF/B6) with
energy and isotope dependent precursor half-lives, and the new 8-group
delayed neutron data (Spriggs, Campbell, Piksaikin) with "universal"
precursor decay constant (or half-life) groups identical for all isotopes and
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28. Abramov, B.D., Some questions on mathematical modelling of reactor kinetics, Preprint
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30. Abramov, B.D., Some generalizations of reactor kinetics equations, Preprint IPPE-2875,
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33. Abramov, B.D., Some generalizations of reactor inverse kinetics equations, Preprint
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