Sukhovoi A.M.1, Khitrov V.A.1, Fam Ding Knang2, Vuong Khuu Tan3, Nguen Khuan Khay3
1Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia
2Khanoy State Univercity, Vietnam
3Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission
The contributions of some sources of systematic errors in determination of level density and radiatve strength functions from the gamma-spectra of nuclear reactions were estimated using the Gauss method generally accepted for multi-parametric approximation of experimental data. It was estimated, for example, the role of the irremovable systematic error caused by difference in energy dependence of radiative strength functions for γ-transitions which have equal energy and multipolarity but depopulate levels with the different excitation energy. The analysis performed did not reveal the possibility of realistic estimation and removal of all studied systematic errors for the experiment under consideration without attracting of complementary experimental information.
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