Blokhin A.I.1, Manokhin V.N.1, Fursov B.I.1, Andrianov A.N.2, Chernov V.M.3
1A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, Moscow, Russia
3A.A.Bochvar High-tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia
General requirements in nuclear data for calculations of activation,
transmutation and radiation damage in fusion reactor materials are formulated in many works and at the
IAEA meetings. These requirements take into account the nuclear data for main structural materials and for
their alloys and reaction products. The list of neutron reactions important for fusion power plant technology
was prepared. To meet the nuclear data needs the several large neutron data libraries were created, mainly by
theoretical calculations. On the base of national and regional data libraries the current new data library
ACDAM for activation/damage calculations in fusion reactor materials was formed. The present report
describes the results of comparison and analysis of available experimental data and evaluated cross sections
and predictions of systematic received in the Russian Nuclear Data Center (SSC RF IPPE). The
recommendations are given for selection of reliable nuclear data and improving their quality. The current new
data library ACDAM allows to estimate many activation/radiation damage characteristics of structural
materials and alloys for any type of neutron fission/fusion spectra in neutron energy range up to 20 MeV.
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