Zabrodskaya S.V., Ignatyuk A.V., Koshcheev V.N., Manochin V.N., Nikolaev M.N., Pronyaev V.G.
Russian Federation State Scientific Centre — A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power
Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
A short description
of the Russian library of evaluated neutron data RUSFOND is given. The main objective of the RUSFOND is
the compilation of the most recent evaluations of neutron data for preparing of the up-to-date sets of nuclear
constants. The sources, principles of selection and content of RUSFOND library are presented.
1. Abagjan L.P., Bazazjanc N.O., Bondarenko I.I., Nikolaev M.N. Gruppovye konstanty dlja rascheta
jadernyh reaktorov. M. , Atomizdat, 1964.[in Russian]
2. Abagjan L.P., Bazazjanc N.O., Nikolaev M.N., Cibulja A.M. Gruppovye konstanty dlja rascheta
reaktorov i zashhity/ Spravochnik. M., Jenergoizdat, 1981.[in Russian]
3. Nikolaev M.N. i dr. Mnogogruppovoe priblizhenie v teorii perenosa. Jenergoizdat, 1984.[in Russian]
4. Manturov G.N., Nikolaev M.N., Cibulja A.M. Sistema gruppovyh konstant BNAB-93. Part 1.
Jadernye konstanty dlja rascheta nejtronnyh i fotonnyh polej izluchenija. Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki
i Tehniki, Ser.Jadernye konstanty, No. 1, 1996.[in Russian]
5. International Evaluation Co-operation, NEA OECD, Reports NEA/WPEC, vv. 1–24, 1996 -2005.
6. S.F.Mughabghab, M.Divadeeman, N.E.Holden. Neutron Cross Section, v.1, 1984. Academic Press. New
7. V.McLane, Ch.L.Dunford, Ph.F.Rose. Neutron Cross Section, v. 2, 1988, Academic Press. New York.
8. S.F.Mughabghab. Atlas of Neutron Resonances, 5-th Edition, 2006, Elsevier.
9. EXFOR+CINDA for applications. Version 1.81, update of June 2005.
10. NEA Nuclear Science Committee. International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark
Experiments, September 2006.
11. NEA Nuclear Science Committee. International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark
Experiments, March 2006.