Ignatyuk A.V., Manokhin V.N., Pronyaev V.G.
Russian Federation State Scientific Centre — A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power
Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
A brief review of 208 fission product data files, selected on the basis of the national and international evaluations, is presented. Differences between the ENDF/B-VII and BROND-3 evaluations for
most important fission products are considered.
1. T.S.Belanova i dr. Atomnaja jenergija, 1984, Vol. 57, p. 243.[in Russian]
2. H.Gruppelaar. Status of pseudo-fission-product cross sections for fast reactors. Report NEA/WPEC-17
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3. P.Oblozinsky et al., Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (Santa Fe, 2004), AIP Conf. Proc., v.769,
Melville, NY, 2004, p. 441; Minutes of the Workshop on Assessment of Fission Product Evaluations
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4. P.Oblozinsky. Creation of International Library of Neutron Cross-Section Evaluations for the Bulk of
Fission Products. Report Subgroup 23, OECD, Paris, 2006.
5. S.Mughabghab. Atlas Neutron Resonance Parameters, Academic Press, NY, 2006.
6. V.N.Manokhin, N.Odano, A.Hasegawa. Report JAERI-2001-19, Tokai-mura (2001).
7. Z.Y.Bao, F.Kaeppeler. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 36 (1987) 411.
8. W.P.Abfalterer et al., Phys. Rev., C63 (2001) 044608.
9. Young P.G., Arthur E.D., Chadwick M.B.: Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors (Trieste, 1996).
Ed. A.Gandini, G.Reffo, World Sci., Singapore Vol. 1, p. 227 (1998).
10. Handbook for calculation of nuclear reaction data, RIPL-2, IAEA-TECDOC-1506, IAEA, Vienna, 2006.
11. Firestone R.B. ed.: Table of Isotopes, Eighth edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1996.
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13. V.N.Manokhin, A.I.Blokhin. In: Low Energy Neutron Physics, Ed. H.Schopper, Springer, Berlin, 2000,
v. 16-А2, ch. 13.
14. EMPIRE, Nuclear Reaction Model Code (2005); http://www-nds.iaea.org/empire/index.html.
15. K.Wisshak, F.Voss, F.Kaeppeler, L.Kazakov, G.Reffo. Phys. Rev., C57 (1998) 391.
16. T.Veerapaspong, M.Igashira, S.Mizuno, J.Hori, T.Ohsaki. J. Nucl. Sci. & Tech., 36 (1999) 855.
17. B.Duamet, M.Igashira, S.Mizuno, J.Hori, T.Ohsaki. J. Nucl. Sci. & Tech., 36 (1999) 865.