Blokhin A.I.1, Blokhin D.A.1, Manokhin V.N.1, Mitenkova E.F.2, Novikov N.V.2, Sipachev I.V.1, Solovieva E.V.2
1Russian Federation State Scientific Centre — A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power
Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBRAE RAN), Moscow, Russia
In this paper results of intercomparison of nuclear neutron cross sections for actinides from different evaluated nuclear data libraries such as BROND-2.2(3) (Russia), ENDF/B-VI.8 and ENDF/BVII.
0 (USA), JENDL-3.3 (Japan), JEFF-3.1 (the Western Europe) are presented. It is shown, that the differences existing between nuclear data from BROND-2.2(3), ENDF/B-VI.8, ENDF/BVII. 0, JENDL-3.3, JEFF-3.1 libraries are outside the required accuracies on knowledge of the evaluated neutron data as for fuel elements, and, in a greater measure, for minor actinides. The data of the JEFF-3.1, ENDF/B-VI.8, ENDF/B-VII.0, JENDL-3.3 and BROND-2.2(3) libraries were analyzed for the 232Th 233,235,238U, 237Np, 239,240,242Pu, 241,242m,243Am transactinides. The comparison with the integral fast breeder reactor (BR-5 reactor) experiments was made.
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