Varlamov V.V., Ishkhanov B.S., Orlin V.N., Chetvertkova V.А.
D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) of the Moscow State University, Russia
For 9 tin isotopes the
combined analysis was carried out for experimental data for cross sections of total and partial
photoneutron reactions obtained at MSU SINP using bremsstrahlung and at Livermore (USA)
and Saclay (France) using quasimonoenergetic photons obtained at annihilation of relativistic
positrons. The systematic disagreements between the various experiments data were analyzed
and the method for their taking into account was carried out. Using the various experiments data
for total photoneutron yield reaction cross sections σ(γ,xn) and the modern model of photonuclear
reaction based on the Fermi gas densities equations the evaluated data for σ(γ,n) and
σ(γ,2n) reaction cross sections were obtained. With those the total photoneutron reaction cross
sections σ(γ,sn) were evaluated for all Sn isotopes under discussion, the regularities of the giant
dipole resonance main parameters were analyzed in dependence of their mass number A.
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