Authors & Affiliations
Blokhin D.А., Zemskov E.A., Khorasanov G.L.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
In the paper neutron spectra of fast reactor cooled with lead–
bismuth or lead-208 are given. It is shown that in changing the coolant from lead-bismuth to
lead-208 the core neutron spectra of the FR RBEC-M are hardening in whole on several percents
while a little share of low energy neutrons (5 eV – 50 keV) is slightly increasing. Neutron
spectra hardening and low neutron absorption in the coolant permit to increase the effective
neutron multiplication factor, Kef, while the increased share of low energy neutrons provides
more effective conversion of uranium-238 or technetium-99 due to peculiarity of their neutron
capture cross sections.
lead-208, coolant, lead-bismuth, neutron fluxes, effective
neutron multiplication factor, neutrons, range, intermediate-energy neutrons, thermal neutrons, fast neutrons
Article Text (in Russian, PDF)
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UDC 621.039.546
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Constants, issue 1-2, 2010