Authors & Affiliations
Blokhin A.I., Blokhin D.A., Manokhin V.N., Buleeva N.N., Sipachev I.V.
State Research Centre of the Russian Federation – A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power
Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
This paper gives a brief description of the
library of evaluated cross sections for the activation reactions (n,2n), (n,3n), (n,p), (n,np), (n,α), (n,nα), (n,d), (n,t), (n,γ) for 645 stable and long-lived (> 10 hours) radioactive nuclei having
atomic masses in the range 1–210 (hydrogen to polonium) and in the range of neutron
energies from the threshold for the given nucleus to 20 MeV. The evaluated cross sections
were obtained by analysing available experimental data and theoretical excitation functions
from other activation libraries using the similarity method and empirical systematics of
threshold reaction excitation functions.
neutron data, threshold reaction cross section, excitation functions, empirical systematics.
Article Text (in English, PDF, Translated by IAEA)
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3. A.I. Blokhin, V.N. Manokhin, B.I. Fursov, A.N. Andrianov, V.M. Chernov. Obespechenie
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4. A.I. Blokhin, D.A. Blokhin, V.N. Manokhin, I.V. Sipachev. Otsenka sechenij porogovykh reaktsij
dlya biblioteki aktivatsionnykh dannykh BROND-3/A (Evaluation of cross-sections for threshold
reactions for the BROND-3/A activation data library): Preprint FEI-3226, Obninsk, 2012.
UDC 539.172
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Constants, issue 1-2, 2011-2012