Suhovoy A.M., Hitrov V.A.
Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Both the accomplished to date model-free extraction of level
density and radiative strength functions of cascade gamma dipole transitions and subsequent
model approximation of their parameters have shown the need to develop a new model of
compound-state of any masses and types decay. The required model should explicitly take into
account the dynamics of the coexistence and interaction of Fermi and Bose forms of nuclear
matter. Such a model will almost define thresholds for nucleon pairs breaking gap below the
neutron binding energy, the ratio of level density of quasiparticle/phonon type, and the peculiarities
of radiative strength functions of gamma transitions in heated nuclei. In general, the
state-of-the-art technology of modern experiment has opened an opportunity for much more realistic
descriptions of nucleus properties below the giant resonance energy than ones from the
statistical theory of the nucleus.
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