Varlamov V.V., Orlin V.N., Peskov N.N., Polevich T.S.
D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) of the Moscow State University, Russia
Using data physical reliability objective absolute criteria the various methods investigations
results of 181Ta photodisintegration were analysed. As criteria the special transitional
functions Fiexp = σexp(γ,in)/σexp(γ,xn) that for various (i = 1, 2, 3, …) reactions must not
have values more than 1.00, 0.50, 0.33 were used. That was shown that (γ,n), (γ,2n) and (γ,3n) reactions cross sections experimental data obtained using the multiplicity neutron sorting
methods based on their kinetic energy measurement are not satisfy to absolute criteria and
therefore are not physically reliable. In the frame of new experimentally-theoretical method
free from neutron multiplicity problems using functions Fitheor = σtheor(γ,in)/σtheor(γ,xn) calculated in the frame of modern photonuclear reaction model new reliable data for partial reaction cross sections σeval (γ,in)=Fitheor·σexp(γ,xn) were evaluated. That was shown that evaluated data
are in agreement with the results of 181Ta photodisintegration experiments carried out ising the
method of induced activity. The possible reasons of neutron multiplicity from kinetic energy
measurement information distortion are discussed.
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