Blokhin A.I., Zemskov E., Ignatyuk A.V., Manokhin V.N.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
For important fission products generated in
the SVBR-100 reactor the analysis of experimental data was performed for the past ten years. The
main reasons of the descrepancies in the evaluated nuclear data files were investigated for the
modern evaluated nuclear data libraries ENDF/B-VII.0 (USA), JEFF-3.1.1 (EC), JENDL-4.0
(Japan), CENDL-3.1 (China), ROSFOND-2010 and BROND-3 (Russia), TENDL-2012
(Holand). On the base of that analysis the recomeneded evaluated nuclear data library was
proposed for the 201 fission products and the processing of this library was performed for using
in the Monte Carlo calculations. These results are recommended for practical application for the
SVBR-100 reactor.
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