Varlamov V.V., Ishkhanov B.S., Peskov N.N., Stepanov M.E.
D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) of the Moscow State University, Russia
The systematic disagreements between the results of various
experiments using bremsstrahlung and quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons devoted to
obtaining of total σ(γ,xn) and partial σ(γ,n), σ(γ,2n) and σ(γ,3n) reaction cross sections for 159Tb
were analyzed, the possible reasons of those and methods for their taking into account were
examined. Using the special transitional function of multiplicity F2 = σ(γ,2n)/σ(γ,xn) it was
shown that in many photon energy ranges concrete experiment results are not reliable and
authentic because photoneutron multiplicity sorting was carried out incorrectly. New evaluated
data for partial σ(γ,n), σ(γ,2n) and σ(γ,3n) and total σ(γ,xn) reaction cross sections on 159Tb free from
shortcomings of experimental neutron multiplicity sorting methods were obtained in the frame of
new experimental-theoretical treatment in which the total photoneutron yield reaction cross
section σ(γ,xn) was used as initial experimental data and for obtaining of partial reaction cross
sections contributions to it equations of modern preequilibrium photonuclear reaction model were
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