Authors & Affiliations
Osipov A.A. A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power, Obninsk, Russia
This article proposes a thermodynamic model of dilute solutions Me-O. There is an overview of experimental and theoretical data on the heats of dissolution of oxygen in metals, the standard heats of formation of oxides of the metals, the activity coefficients of oxygen in liquid metals. It was shown that oxygen in liquid metals can exist in different conditions (MeO, O, O2-, ...), the proportionof the conditions is temperature dependent and can be calculated from the known activity coefficients of oxygen and the standard potentials of the formation of oxides. In the noble metals oxygen exists mainly in atomic condition, and in alkali (Na, Li, K) and heavy metals (Pb, Bi) in the temperature range 300-700°C in oxide condition. The proposed approach can be extended to arbitrary dilute solutions in which the solute can interact with the solvent and with each other (e.g., associated solutions).
activity coefficient of oxygen, liquid metal, interaction parameter of the first order, diluted solution, Henry's law
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
UDC 621.039.534.6
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants", issue 2, 2014