Osipov A.A., Ivanov K.D., Sadovnichiy R.P., Shelemetiev V.M.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power, Obninsk, Russia
In the present paper discusses the effects of polarization and electron conduction as applied to the problem of diagnostics of a condition of a solid electrolyte with ionconduction in liquid metals and gases. Using methods of non-equilibrium chemical thermodynamics generalized equation obtained ionic transfer. Experimental results for a solid electrolyte on the basis of ZrO2 with different reference electrode (Bi2O3, Bi, In2O3-In) in the eutectic alloy Pb-Bi, and air at a temperature of 500 °C. It is shown that the transport properties of the system electrode - electrolyte ZrO2 - reference electrode, in some cases significantly affect the indicated value of such systems. Necessity of calculation of transport (polarization) of the amendments in the measured inditations occurs at lower concentrations of the main oxygen carrier in the system, however, accurate calculation of the polarization of the amendment depends on the flow dependency of the carrier of oxygen from its concentration. At small deviations from equilibrium, the flow of oxygen is proportional to the gradient of the chemical potential (logarithmic dependence on the concentration) and in case of large deviations can be realized and a linear relationship (Fick’slaw). Not known in advance what type of dependence of oxygen flow on the concentration we deal and therefore requires experimental research. In this paper, when analyzing experimental data, we used the Fick’s law. Polarization dependence was determined by the method of reduction (shunt) electrical resistance, which allows us to measure the dependence of the current on time at different shunt resistances. It is shown that the polarization dependence can give additional information about the state of the solid electrolyte.
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