Sinitsa V.V.1, Malkov M.P.1, Rineisky A.A.2
1National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2Karlsruher Institut fьr Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany
The notion of "evaluated data format" came into life in the beginning of 60-s in view of the necessity to store and process data for computer-based neutronic calculations. Historically a few formats appeared and existed in parallel for some time, namely: KEDAK – in Germany, UKNDL – in the UK, ENDL – in Livermore National Laboratory, ENDF – in other US laboratories, SOKRATOR – in the USSR. However, with time, in order to simplify the data exchange procedure between the countries and in compliance with the Agreement approved at the Geneva Conference in 1955, the ENDF format was approved as a standard (in the current version it is ENDF-6).
For more than 50 years of its existence the ENDF format properly satisfied the needs of nuclear power, nuclear and radiation safety, from time to time being extended with the aim to include new types of data on photons, atoms, charged particles, decay processes, scattering laws for coupled systems. However, with increasing frequency, critical remarks against it have been lately heard. Indeed, from the standpoint of current information technologies, the conventional punched-card format looks archaic and unattractive.
In order to give fresh impetus to the development of nuclear data system with account of new applications (radioactive waste disposal, physical medicine, space radiation studies) and achievements of IT-technologies with the use of modern software programming languages, a new project was launched in 2012 on development of a new way of nuclear data presentation, generalized GND structures, and the tools to manage them, i.e. infrastructure. It was done under the Working Group on evaluation of WPEC (NEA OECD).
The given paper is dedicated to consideration of potential capabilities to process the GND data with the GRUCON software package and of its place in the nuclear data system infrastructure among other processing codes (NJOY, PREPRO, FUDGE).
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