Boyarinov V.F.1, Fomichenko P.A.1, Ternovykh M.Yu.2
1National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow, Russia
The research was implemented under the IAEA coordinated research project “Uncertainty analysis in HTGR modeling”. The principal goal of the project was the development of guidance for tracking the propagation uncertainties of various origins when modeling neutronics, thermal hydraulics and fuel burnup, as well as testing the respective computational tool. One of the requirements in the course of performing a neutronics part of the project is the application of covariance matrices of the SCALE code. This paper describes the first stage of the neutronics calculation, namely, the calculation of single-group interaction cross-section uncertainties for the basic isotopes of the reactor cells with prismatic MHTGR-350 fuel blocks, in particular for 235U and 238U isotopes.
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2. Reitsma F., Han J., Ivanov K., Sartori E. The OECD/NEA/NSC PBMR400 MW coupled neutronics thermal hydraulics transient benchmark – Steady-state results and status. Proceedings of PHYSOR-2008 Conference, International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”. Casino-Kursaal Conference Center, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 14-19, 2008.
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4. Strydom G., Reitsma F., Ivanov K. HTGR Reactor Physics, Thermal-hydraulics and Depletion Uncertainty Analysis, Prismatic HTR Benchmark, Draft, Rev. 1, IAEA HTGR UAM CRP – PMR 350 MW Benchmark Specification, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
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6. Boyarinov V.F., Fomichenko P.A. Issledovanie nekotorykh modelej i priblizhenij, primenyaemykh pri raschete TVS GT-MGR [Research into Certain Models and Approximations Applied in GT-MHR FA Calculations]. Voprosy atomnoy nauki i tekhniki. Ser. Fizika i tekhnika yadernykh reaktorov - Problems of atomic science and technology. Series: Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors. 2010, no.1, pp.59-67.
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8. Ivanov K., Avramova M., Kamerow S., Kodeli I., Sartori E., Ivanov E., Cabellos O. Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling (UAM) for Design, Operation and Safety Analysis of LWRs, Volume I: Specification and Support Data for the Neutronics Cases (Phase I), Version 2.0. OECD Nuclear Energy Agency NEA/NSC/DOC(2012), March 2012.