Authors & Affiliations
Zhemkov I.Yu., Varivcev A.V., Ishunina O.V., Nabojshhikov Yu.V., Poglyad N.S., Sharonova M.G.
State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad-10, Russia
A vast scope of experimental studies and various irradiation programs were carried out in the BOR-60 reactor. These tests are important for the development of nuclear power from the standpoint of the validation of new advanced materials and individual reactor components’ design, the capabilities to increase the maximum nuclear fuel burnup (NF) and attain the neutron fluence limit (damaging doses). In the course of in-pile tests the use is made of various types of irradiation devices (ID). The changes of stress-strain properties of the materials under test depend on the reactor irradiation conditions with the temperature being the most significant of them. Without the reliable data on the temperature conditions of material irradiation it is impossible to interpret such processes as swelling, corrosion, creep etc. Therefore the determination of temperature irradiation conditions of structural materials is of paramount significance.
Key words
BOR-60 reactor, neutronics characteristics, Monte Carlo method, irradiation device, nuclear fuel burnup, fuel element heat up power, thermocouples, neutron fluence, data-measuring system
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.55
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, issue 1:12, 2015