Abramov B.D., Raskach K.F.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power, Obninsk, Russia
The paper deals with the development and validation of methods for calculating the reactivity effects arising from the thermal deformation reactor cores. We are talking about the famous method developed S.B. Shikhov et al. Reed M., Smith K. and Forget B. in the report "The" virtual "density theory on neutronics: a generic method for geometry distortion reactivity coefficients», presented at the Physor conference in 2014, called this method "Soviet" method.
This method has a number of undoubted theoretical and practical advantages. However, the authors of the report classify this method as a rudimentary method. Since it is suitable, in their view, to describe a continuous deformation, rather than the more common, piecewise continuous deformations, the correct description is that these writers claim.
However, this is generally not true. Furthermore, the need for such generalizations when considering the expansion of the core processes as a whole, above, are generally not encountered. However, such a need arises in the modeling processes of thermal expansion, taking into account the mutual displacement assemblies (cassettes, cells) of the reactor with respect to each other.
Implementations of this need was devoted to the above report. It attempts to spread the theory S.B. Shikhov et al. in the case of piecewise continuous deformations. However, the authors of the report made some inaccuracies, largely depreciated its value.
These inaccuracies are eliminated in the proposed work, which gives the desired generalization of the Shikhov’s theory in the case of piecewise continuous deformations.
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