Authors & Affiliations
Martynov P.N., Askhadullin R.Sh., Legkikh A.Yu., Simakov A.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
In the course of operation of heavy liquid metal coolant circuit having no dissolved oxygen replenishment, spontaneous deoxidization of the coolant occurs down to the level, at which reliable protection of structural steel against corrosion cannot be assured. So, dissolved oxygen supply to the coolant should be provided on the regular basis in order to assure permanent protection of steels contacting heavy liquid metal coolant (HLMC) during assigned operation time period. "Solid-phase" method of oxygen content control developed by the SSC RF – IPPE specialists is most reliable and effective for maintaining the assigned oxygen potential in HLMC. This method is implemented using mass exchangers (MX) with solid-phase oxygen source. MX functional principle is based on the dilution of granulated coolant oxides produced by special technology and placed in the MX as filling, as a result of their contact with HLMC. Oxides dilution causes HLMC enrichment with oxygen.
By now, SSC RF – IPPE specialists have developed various MX designs based on a variety of principles of solid-phase lead oxides dilution process arrangement, and have gained considerable experience in operating MX in the experimental facilities with HLMC.
Various MX designs were evaluated and the main approaches used by the designers were considered.
granules filling, tests, oxygen, content, mass exchanger, control method, lead oxide, dilution, solid phase oxidizing compound, thermodynamic activity, heavy liquid metal coolant, test loop
Article Text (PDF)
1. Martynov P.N., Askhadullin R.Sh., Simakov A.A. et al. Tverdofaznaya tekhnologiya regulirovaniya kisloroda v tyazhelykh zhidkometallicheskikh teplonositelyakh [Solid-phase technology of oxygen control in heavy liquid metal coolants]. Novye promyshlennye tekhnologii. – New industrial
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4. Simakov A.A., Askhadullin R.Sh., Legkikh A.Yu. Tverdofaznye okisliteli teplonositeley Pb-Bi i Pb dlya formirovaniya i sokhraneniya protivokorrozionnykh plenok na stalyakh [Solid-phase oxidizers of Pb-Bi and Pb coolants for the creation and preservation of corrosion protection films on steels]. Trudy mezhotraslevogo seminara "Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli (Teplofizika-2010)" [Proc.Inter-Branch Workshop "Heavy liquid metal coolants (Thermophysics-2010)"], Obninsk, 2010, p.78-89.
5. Sysoev Yu.M., Martynov P.N., Askhadullin R.Sh., Simakov A.A. Sposob podderzhaniya korrozionnoy stoykosti stal'nogo tsirkulyatsionnogo kontura so svinetssoderzhashchim teplonositelem i massoobmennoe ustroystvo dlya ego realizatsii (varianty) [The method of maintaining corrosion resistance of steel circulation circuit with lead-containing coolant and a mass transfer apparatus for its implementation (versions)]. Patent RF, no.2246561, 2005.
UDC 621.039.53
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, issue 3:5, 2015