Belov A.A.1, Vasekin V.N.1, Veprev D.P.1, Veretentsev V.A.1, Veshchunov M.S.1, Mosunova N.A.1, Polous M.A.1, Stakhanova A.A.1, Strizhov V.F.1, Muratov A.G.2, Tukov V.V.2
1 Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian
2N.A. Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, Moscow, Russian
EUCLID integrated code for safety analysis of nuclear reactors with sodium, lead-bismuth and lead coolants is being developed at the IBRAE of the Russian Academy of Sciences. EUCLID/VI version integrates several codes modeling core neutronics and thermal hydraulics transients for various fuel types. In 2013, cross-verification of EUCLID/VI code with DINAR dynamic code used for nuclear reactor projects justification was started. In the report, EUCLID/VI and DINAR codes are described, calculation results obtained by these codes being in a good agreement.
1. Semenov V.N., Chalyi R.V., Solovev D.S., Pribaturin N.A., etc. Development of the documentation of the first version of the SOCRAT-BN thermohydraulic code. Development of the documentation of the first version of the HYDRA thermohydraulic code. Otchet VINITI 3256-1/3498-14-11 – Report VINITI 3256-1/3498-14-11. Moscow, 2011. 267 p.
2. Veretentsev V.A., Alipchenkov V.M., Belikov V.V., Mosunova N.A. Research Report "Preparation of the first versions of the user guide and reference manual of the HYDRA - IBRAE/Pb thermohydraulic code. Otchet NIKIET 3538-1/5610-3-13 – Report NIKIET 3538-1/5610-3-13. Moscow, 2012. 89 p.
3. Belov A.A., Seleznev E.F. Raschetnoe soprovozhdenie ekspluatatsii BN-600 [Computational tracking of BN-600 operation]. Atomnaya energiya – Atomic Energy. 2010, no. 4, pp. 321-324.
4. Manturov G.N., Nikolaev M.N., Tsibulya A.M. Sistema gruppovykh konstant BNAB-93. Chast' 1. Yadernye konstanty dlya rascheta neytronnykh i fotonnykh poley izlucheniya [ABBN-93 group constant system, Part 1. Nuclear constants for calculation of neutron and photon radiation fields]. VANT. Seriya: Yadernye konstanty – VANT. Series: Nuclear constants. 1996, no.1, pp. 59-98.
5. Manturov G.N., Nikolaev M.N., Tsibulya A.M. Programma podgotovki konstant CONSYST. Opisanie [CONSYST constant preparation program. Application description]. Preprint FEI-2828 – Preprint IPPE-2828. Obninsk, 2000. 50 p.
6. Veshchunov M.S., Boldyrev A.V., Shestak V.E., Chernov S.Yu., etc. Research Report "Development of the engineering fuel rod code for nitride fuels with gas gap for normal operation conditions". Otchet IBRAE 3538-1/5610-3-16 – Report IBRAE 3538-1/5610-3-16. Moscow, 2012. 167 p.
7. Final Research Report under contract No.– 2/3482 of 27.09.2010 "Development of the code systems for the computational safety justification of projects of BN, SVBR and BREST reactors". Phase 2. "Development of the new generation integrated code systems for the safety analysis and justification of nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel cycle". Part 6. "Development of the system shell and parallel computation methods" (In Russian).
8. Vasekin V.N., Stakhanova A.A. Development and verification of the first versions of new generation codes for the safety analysis and justification of BREST and BN fast reactors, their fuel cycles including separate elements of the new generation integrated code system. Preparation of the programmer guide and reference manual of the DINAR code in part of neutron-physical and thermohydraulic models of the reactor core. Otchet IBRAE 3538-1/5610-3-22 – Report IBRAE 3538-1/5610-3-22. Moscow, 2012. 87 p.
9. Preparation of the user guide of the DINAR code. Preparation of the programmer guide and reference manual of the DINAR code in part of the thermohydraulic models of the primary (beyond the core) and secondary loops": Otchet NIKIET 213-168-97-81 – Report NIKIET 213-168-97-81. Moscow, 2012. (In Russian).
10. Bell G., Glasstone S. Teoriya yadernykh reaktorov [Nuclear Reactor Theory]. Moscow, Atomizdat Publ., 1970, 619 p.
11. Vasekin V.N., Danilova E.N. DINA: Programma modelirovaniya nestatsionarnykh neytronnofizicheskikh protsessov v aktivnoy zone reaktornoy ustanovki [DINA: program for modeling of nonstationary neutron-physical processes in the reactor core]. VANT. Seriya: Fizika yadernykh reaktorov – VANT. Series: Nuclear reactor physics. 2005, no.1, pp. 11-16.