Sadovnichiy R.P., Martynov P.N., Askhadullin R.Sh., Storozhenko A.N., Chernov M.E.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
To control the content in the oxygen impurity in the coolant during the initial period of development sampling method with subsequent analysis was used. In the following years near real-time or on-line control methods based on the usage of electrochemical sensors with solid oxygen conducting electrolyte have been developed and used. In the SSC RF-IPPE development of solid electrolytes sensors to monitor oxygen content in molten lead-based alloys are performing. A significant set of studies and developments to improve the design
and manufacturing technology of solid electrolyte sensors has been carried out that resulted in:
– Solid electrolyte ceramic sensing element (SECSE) of oxide ceramics with ability to work for a long time at high temperatures and thermal shocks in molten metal with a stable conductive and mechanical properties, heat resistance, low gas permeability;
– different constructs of sensors designed to monitor oxygen content in melts of lead-based alloys in static and circulation installations, full scale tank-type reactor facility.
Among the latest developments – sensor including a number of independent sensing elements with different reference electrodes arranged in a common housing, the sensor periodic control with ability to immerse in the melt and pull out by using an electric drive.
The developed sensors are certified by State Committee for the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology (Certificate RU. S.31.002 A No. 15464), registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments (no. 25282-03) and is approved for use in the Russian Federation.
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