Shelemetiev V.M., Martynov P.N., Storozhenko A.N., Chernov M.E., Ulyanov V.V.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Currently, the new nuclear power plants (NPP) are developed in Russian Federation wherein are used different liquid metal, sodium and heavy lead-based liquid-metal, as coolants. In respect to these NPP control tools of hydrogen and oxygen in gas environment are required. For sodium-cooled NPP the usage of hydrogen and oxygen control tools is required for solution of the security problems at a steam leak and depressurization of cooling circuit. For NPP with a heavy liquid-metal coolant the hydrogen control tools are required is not only for control of possible a steam leak in steam generator, but also for conducting the technological actions using hydrogen for cleaning of a coolant and the first cooling circuit. Oxygen control is required to diagnose the development of the various negative processes (occurrence of depressurization of cooling circuit, oxygen and air leaks, etc.) at the early stages. Also, oxygen control allows to perform indirect identification of the thermodynamic activity of oxygen in the melt, the beginning and the degree of completion of the oxidation of the molten liquid metal. In depends on the type of a coolant, control hydrogen and oxygen tools meet the different requirements for sensitivity and response speed. For example, the most important parameter for hydrogen and oxygen control tools in sodium-cooled NPP is the response speed and for NPP with the lead-based coolant is hydrogen sensitivity.
IPPE has a great many-years' experience in the development of various control devices both for liquid and gaseous media. The most promising oxygen and hydrogen control tools are solid electrolyte sensors. Also conductometric sensors (the principle of operation of which is based on the ability of palladium alloys reversibly absorb hydrogen gas from the surrounding environment and thus change its electrical resistance depending on the partial pressure of hydrogen) show good results in control of hydrogen.
At the moment, these devices have been applied to the existing nuclear power plants in Russia and abroad, in the hydrogen safety systems for beyond design basis accidents.
1. Blokhin V.A., Budylov E.G., Velikanovich R.I. et al. The experience of development and operation of solid-electrolyte activity meters of oxygen in lead-bismuth coolant. Trudy konferentsii "Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernykh tekhnologiyakh" [Proceedings of the Conference on Heavy Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technologies]. Obninsk, 1999, p.631. (In Russian).
2. Martynov P.N., Chernov M.E., Storozhenko A.N. et al. The development pf new generation systems of oxygen and hydrogen control in the circuits with Pb and Pb-Bi coolants on the basis of solid-electrolyte oxygen sensors of capsule type. Trudy konferentsii "Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernykh tekhnologiyakh" [Proceedings of the Conference on Heavy Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technologies]. Obninsk, 2008, p.57. (In Russian).
3. Martynov P.N., Chernov M.E., Storozhenko A.N., Shelemetiev V.M., Sadovnichiy R.P. Oxygen and hydrogen control sensors in liquid metal coolants of NPP on the basis of solid-electrolyte nanostructured oxygen sensors. Novye promyshlennye tekhnologii – New Industrial Technologies, 2008, no.4, pp.36-39. (In Russian).
4. Bogdanov S.V. Razrabotka i eksperimental'noe obosnovanie oborudovaniya sistemy kontrolya vodorodnoy bezopasnosti AES. Diss. kand. tekhn. nauk [Development and experimental substantiation of equipment of hydrogen safety control system of NPP. Cand. tech.sci.diss.]. Obninsk, IPPE Publ., 2009.
5. Legkikh A.Yu., Martynov P.N., Askhadullin R.Sh., Simakov A.A. Devices for providing the predetermined oxygen mode in the primary circuit of nuclear power facilities with a heavy liquid metal coolant. Trudy Nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii molodykh spetsialistov po yadernym energeticheskim ustanovkam [Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Conference of young specialists in nuclear power facilities]. Podolsk, 2012. (In Russian).
6. Komlev O.G., Tormyshev I.V., Toshinsky G.I. SVBR-100: coolant potential energy and NPP safety. Bezopasnost' yadernykh tekhnologiy i okruzhayushchey sredy. – Safety of nuclear technologies and the environment, 2012, no.2. (In Russian).
7. Verkhovodko S.Z., Zamukov V.V. The experience of designing, operation and disposal of nuclear power facilities with a liquid metal coolant for "Alpha" submarines. Trudy konferentsii "Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernoy tekhnologii" [Proceedings of the Conference on Heavy Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technology]. Obninsk, 1999, p.18. (In Russian).
8. Gromov B.F., Grigoriev O.G., Dedul A.V., Zrodnikov A.V., Toshinsky G.I., Chitaikin V.I. The application of the technology of marine reactors with a liquid metal coolant in the civil nuclear power engineering of Russia. Trudy konferentsii "Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernoy tekhnologii" [Proceedings of the Conference on Heavy Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technology]. Obninsk, 1999, p.44. (In Russian).
9. Gromov B.F., Toshinsky G.I., Chekunov V.V., Orlov Yu.I. et al. The development of reactors with leadbismuth coolant for submarines. Brief history. The summarized results of the operation. Trudy konferentsii "Tyazhelye zhidkometallicheskie teplonositeli v yadernoy tekhnologii" [Proceedings of the Conference on Heavy Liquid Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technology]. Obninsk, 1999, p.14. (In Russian).
10. Chernov E.I., Baboshin A.V., Chernov M.E. High-temperature gas analyzers on the basis of solidelectrolyte sensors (the experience of development and putting in production). Trudy konferentsii "Toplivnye elementy i energeticheskie ustanovki na ikh osnove" [Proceedings of the Conference on Fuel Elements and Fuel Element-Based Power Facilities]. Obninsk, 2000. (In Russian).
11. Kochetkova E.A., Leshkov V.V., Kornilov V.P., Kalyakin S.G., Drobyshev A.V., Skomorokhova S.N., Bogdanov S.V. Electroconductometric gas analyzers: multi-year experience of their operation. Trudy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii "Teplofizicheskie aspekty bezopasnosti VVER" [Proceedings of the International Conference on Thermophysical Aspects of Safety of VVER Reactors]. Obninsk, 2007. (In Russian).