Kabina L.P., Lisin S.S., Mitropolsky I.A.
B.P.Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute of RNC “Kurchatov Institute”, Gatchina, Russia
This paper describes the methodology of problem-oriented databases designed to solve problems of the complex analysis of large sets of nuclear data, selected from the file of evaluated values ENSDF on non-trivial criteria. As an example, presented a database ANGTOL for analysis of schemes of nuclear levels, database ROTAN for nuclear rotational states, database NAADF_2 for neutron activation analysis and database ISOTIME for life times of nuclear states and properties of nuclear isomers. Application programs that implement algorithms for data analysis are being developed as applications of the object-relational DBMS PostgreSQL. The content of the databases is illustrated by the systematics of the corresponding nuclear properties.
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