Ivanov V.V.1, Zarubina N.V.1, Zinoviev V.G.2, Okunev I.S.2, Shulyak G.I.2, Ostapenko D.S.1
To explain the unexpectedly high contents of Rhenium in argillites (dyctionema oil shale) of Baltic shale basin, one needs an independent estimation of reliability of low concentration measurements of this element in samples with a complex matrix. In the implementation of the ICP-MS method for evaluation of Re, the dissolution of the samples was done by the open acid decomposition technique. The Agilent 7700x quadrupole mass spectrometer was used. The samples matter was introduced into the mass spectrometer by the micro-concentric nebulizer MicroMist (200 mm3/s), the Peltier-cooled quartz spray chamber of Scott design (at 2°C) and the grounded Fassell torch. The analytic isotopes 185Re and 187Re were measured, the internal standard was 115In at final concentration of 1 mg/dm3. The integration time was 1s. The alternative method of Re concentration measurement was the instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA).The samples were irradiated in the “wet” channel of VVR-M reactor during 2 hours at thermal neutrons flux density 5·1013s -1 sm2. The gamma-spectra of the samples were measured during 600-3600 s after 1 and 2 days posterior to the irradiation completion. The analytic lines used were the following: 188Re (Eγ=155.0 keV; T1/2=16.8 h), 186Re (Eγ=122.3 keV; T1/2=3.78 d) and 186Re (Eγ=137.2 keV; T1/2=3.78 d). The two methods, INAA and ICP-MS have demonstrated consistent results, thus supporting the perspective of their commission in Rhenium concentration measurements in carbon-containing rocks.
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