Korobeinikov V.V., Tikhomirov B.B., Ivanov R.E.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Strategic planning for a long-term and sustainable development of nuclear energy requires a comprehensive understanding, accounting and problem-solving for a general energy (resources, environment, national development, etc.) and for nuclear energy (economy, infrastructure, waste management etc.). In addition, the launch of the national nuclear program imposes long-term commitments concerning the interests of several generations, and will assume responsibility for the consequences that can span more than century. Because of the long life cycle of a nuclear energy system (NES) - 100 years or more. IAEA developing the INPRO methodology to assess the sustainability of long-term national nuclear programs (planning and evaluation sustainability of an NES) and provides support national initiatives.
This methodology uses in the assessment of the nuclear energy system to provide holistic view of an NES in order to confirm its long-term sustainability, or identify problems or gaps that have to be considered (for example, to determine the measures to be taken to ensure this NES has become a sustainable source of energy). So, the assessment of an NES (NESA) is a tool that helps users to make decisions on how to implement, maintain or develop nuclear power programs in a sustainable manner.
In this paper, using the INPRO methodology in accordance with the criterion of " safety " carried out a preliminary assessment of the design characteristics of the BN-1200 as an innovative reactor technology element of fast neutron sodium-cooled in INES future structure. For comparison were used characteristics of fast reactors BN-600 and BN-800. The evaluation results showed that the BN-1200 meets all the requirements of the INPRO methodology for the "safety" of nuclear reactors.
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