Authors & Affiliations
Makhin V.M.
Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS", Podolsk, Russia
Makhin V.M. - Chief Expert, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), OKB "GIDROPRESS".
Contacts: 21, Ordzhonikidze st., Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia, 142103. Tel.: (903) 670-99-71; e-mail:
The article deals with design of reactors with nuclear steam superheating under subcritical pressure of the coolant (BORAX–V, BONUS and Pathfinder-foreign reactors, AMB-100 and AMB-200 at Beloyarsk NPP, RF) and their operation experience. The mentioned reactors have not become prot otypes of future power reactors but their operation experience is useful for designing the reactor plants of the next generation “Generation-4” with supercritical coolant parameters (SCWR) which differ from the reactor plants of the 20th century in the coolant increased pressure (?>?crit), first of all. It was noted that boiling reactor VK-50 with coolant natural circulation in the core was designed not only for study of operation peculiarities of reactors with coolant boiling in the core but also for study of processes with steam “nuclear” superheating. In practice, for ~50 years, the reactor is used only under conditions of boiling in the core. The database obtained with the VK-50 reactor is of interest for verification of computer codes applicable for connected neutron-physical and thermal-hydraulic calculations typical for SCWR. Experience of design and operation of VK-50 is important for SCWR development.
supercritical water-cooled reactor, experimental justification, boiling vessel reactor, operation experience
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.524.441