Authors & Affiliations
Kabina L.P.1, Lisin S.S.1, Mitropolsky I.A. 1,2
1 B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia
2 St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Mitropolsky I.A. – Doctor of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), professor, Head of the Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopy, B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute. Contacts: 188300, Leningrad reg., Gatchina, Orlova Roscha, PNPI. Tel.: (813)714-64-14; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Kabina L.P. – PhD (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopy, B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute.
Lisin S.S. – Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopy, B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute.
The code ELENA (ELEment NAvigator) is designed for the information ensuring of X-ray fluorescent, neutron activation and neutron radiation analysis of the elemental and isotopic compound of materials. For the selected chemical element the code reports:
• basic principal physical and chemical properties of the element;
• energies and intensities of the characteristic X-radiation lines;
• isotopic abundance and properties of isotopes known for the element.
The following can be got for each isotope:
• energies, lifetimes and quantum numbers of low-lying excited states;
• energies and yields of gamma-lines in decay of the isotope;
• cross-section in the radiation capture of thermal neutrons and the resonant integral value;
• energies and intensities of the γ-lines from the radiation capture of neutrons.
The program delivers a list of elements or isotopes that have the X-ray or gamma radiation in a given energy interval.
Actual data are presented in tables and graphs. The code ELENA is supplied with detailed comments and can be used for training purposes.
computer code, neutron radiation analysis, neutron activation analysis, X-ray fluorescent analysis, physical and chemical properties of elements, radiation properties of isotopes
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 539.163
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants", 2016, issue 4, 4:1