Orlova E.A., Orlov A.V.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The community of corrosion processes of the structural materials SM in the liquid metals (LM) and their alloys is shown (impoverishment of syeel on nickel in cleared of LM oxygen, Cr segregation to a surface became in Cr2O3 enriched with LM oxygen at stability, a mass transfer of the SM components in not isothermal system, etc.) and an originality of the used methods of protection against corrosion (formation of coverings on the SM surface, corrosion inhibition, cleaning of LM of impurity, etc.). Solubility of the main components of steel increases in liquid metals among Na (K and their eutectic alloys) – Li–Pb–Mg. Nitride protection of steel against corrosion in Pb alloy – Mg in contact with nitride fuel is offered. When forming on a surface of steel of a sheeting of nitride (carbide) of zirconium on steel 16Cr12WMoSiVNbB outside a covering of redistribution of components of steel is absent. Also fluoride protection against corrosion in liquid magnesium, in contact with Freon, water environments, etc. is offered. It is shown that, as well as in earlier mentioned liquid metals, the most soluble in magnesium is nickel. At the same time in the presence in a gas phase over SiF4 magnesium on a surface of austenitic steel MgF2 is formed, and adjacent layers are enriched with silicon, and in quantity close to amount of the iron nickel left steel that it is possible to present as replacement of the vacancies formed owing to a nickel exit in magnesium.
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15. Zagrebayev S.A., Orlova E.A., Alekseev V.V., Zhmurin V.G., Eagles M.A., Shirshov Ya.N., Torbenkova I.Yu., Tychinsky P.I. Mekhanizm formirovaniya zashchitnogo ftoridnogo pokrytiya na poverkhnosti stali, nakhodyashcheysya v kontakte s freonami, perspektivnymi dlya AES tipa «BREST» [Mekhanizm of formation of a protective fluoride covering on a surface of the steel which is in contact with freona, perspective for the NPP like "BREST"]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika – News of higher educational institutions. Physics, 2014, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 119-122.
16. Orlova E.A., Agafonov V.R., Alekseev V.V., et al. Sinergetika sistemy konstruktsionnye materialy – splavy zhidkikh metallov v izotermicheskikh usloviyakh [Synergetrics of system constructional materials – alloys of liquid metals in isothermal conditions]. Trudy regional'nogo konkursa nauchnykh proektov v oblasti estestvennykh nauk [Works of regional competition of scientific projects in the field of natural sciences]. Kaluga, 2015, no. 9, pp. 309-316.