Gordeev S.S.1, Sorokin A.P. 2
1National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI”, Moscow, Russia
2A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The results of the analysis showed that the main factors determining the temperature regime of the core of BN-600 reactor are the distribution of geometrical parameters, energy generation, coolant flow in fuel subassemblies, the forming of wrapper tube of fuel subassemblies, bundles of fuel elements and individual fuel rods during of the campaign and the uncertainty in the values of these parameters, conditions of heat exchange on the wrapper tube of fuel subassemblies, the intensity of interchannel and interpackage exchange. Presents and analyses the results of investigation of temperature fields in fuel subassemblies for BN-600 reactor in the frame of different models of the geometry of the lattice of the fuel rods, the influence of non-uniform energy generation and different variants of mutual deformation of the fuel bundle and the fuel subassembly on the temperature distribution in the fuel subassembly, the uncertainties in the values of initial parameters and constants for the calculation, mainly, flow of coolant through the fuel subassembly, the fuel rods energy generation and the distribution of geometrical parameters contributing to the uncertainty in the maximum cladding temperature of fuel rods and the maximum azimuthal non-uniformity of temperature. It is shown that the determining factor in the formation of temperature fields in fuel subassemblies is interchannel exchange. Thermophysical substantiation of fuel subassemblies regimes should be performed taking into account the forming of fuel subassemblies during the campaign.
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