Ivanov E.F., Privezentsev V.V., Sorokin A.P., Hafizov R.R., Trufanov A.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
Calculation modeling of ULOF type accidents for sodium fast reactor indicates coolant boiling initiation in the reactor core. Significant impact on calculation results is provided by two-phase flow calculation model used in the code and which requires experimental verification. In order to eliminate
the possibility of development accidental situations leading to fuel pins destruction, it was proposed
implementation of sodium cavity above reactor core. On the facility created at SSC RF – IPPE were obtained experimental data on boiling heat exchange in the fast reactor fuel subassembly model with sodium cavity under natural and forced coolant circulation conditions. The possibility of long-term fuel subassembly cooling at heat fluxes from 140 to 170 kW/m2 was shown under natural and forced convection respectively. The data obtained used torefine the sodium boiling calculation model and verification of the COREMELT code.
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