Kozlov F.A.1, Konovalov M.A.2, Sorokin A.P. 1
1A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
2 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow, Russia
The research results showed that the purification of sodium from oxygen using hot traps – which are located in fast neutron reactor vessel – provides required purity of the coolant if the temperature of the latter is 550º?. However, the hot trap efficiency in parking mode – therefore the coolant’s temperature is about 250-300ºC – drops down by a factor of 10 thousand. We have proposed and analyzed possible operation conditions of the hot trap in parking mode and putting into nominal parameters mode. Main focus is on coolant purification modes during plant development after the commissioning and after abnormal coolant pollution when the initial oxygen concentration reaches 25 ppm.
The purification systems efficiency can be increased by using the hot traps with both foil-shaped getter and granular getter. The work gives proof of the possibility of implementing of the "fast cleaning
mode" when the coolant purification takes place with the transition from parking mode to nominal
parameters mode simultaneously. It is possible to optimize the characteristics of the purification system which works in these mods.
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