Manturov G.N.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The work is devoted to one of the most important scientific and technical problems in reactor physics related to the development and verification of codes and nuclear data that provide reliable and highly accurate calculations of neutron-physical characteristics of fast reactors and radiation shielding, including nuclear fuel cycle, criticality and radiation safety parameters.
The designed neutronics characteristics of fast reactors should be based on certified, qualified sets of codes and nuclear constants: the calculation tools should be related to the modern state of scientific knowledge and computational techniques, and used nuclear physics constants should be adequate to the most reliable evaluations of nuclear data.
In connection with rapid development of the computing engineering and all greater introduction in practice of calculation Monte Carlo codes, the methodical constituent of calculation error falls down substantially. In these terms the nuclear constant’s constituent of error of calculations becomes fully qualificatory. A situation is intensifyed by the fall-off of financing of experimental works, why in this connection the amount of fast critical stands in the world diminishes sharply.
The paper consider the state of art of the constant’s providing system CONSYST/ABBN, created on the basis of the national library of neutron data files ROSFOND and libraries of multigroup constants ABBN-93 and ABBN-RF. One of the most important problems under consideration here also is the methodical and software for estimating of errors of the calculated physical characteristics.
System of codes and nuclear datafor reactor neutronics calculations is based on the unified methodological basis that ensures the transparency ofthe procedure for obtaining the data used in the calculations, the reliability oftheir verification and the obtaining of guaranteed accuracy of the calculated physical reactor characteristics.
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4. Koscheev V., Manturov G., Nikolaev M., et al. Biblioteka gruppovich konstant BNAB-RF dlya
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5. Golovko Yu., Koscheev V., Lomakov G., Manturov G., et al. Verification of current version of ABBN constants and CONSYST code in calculation of criticality benchmarks. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology ND2013. New-York, USA, 2013.
6. Koscheev V., Manturov G., Nikolaev M., et al. Verificatsiya neitronnich dannich osnovnich reactornich materialov iz biblioteki ROSFOND na integralnich experimentach [Verification of neutron data of the main reactor materials from the ROSFOND library on integral experiments]. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya energetika – Proseedings of Universities. Nuclear Power Engineering, 2014, no. 1, pp. 204–214.
7. Grabezhnoy V., Koscheev V., Lomakov G., Manturov G. Verification of the ABBN-RF2010 constants in calculations of shielding benchmarks. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Radiation Shielding ’ICRS-12&RPSD-2012‘. Nara, Japan, 2012.
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