Nikolaev A.A., Usenkov V.V., Afanasiev P.B., Soshnikov A.A., Klimov N.N., Stepanov V.S.
Experimental and Design Organization "GIDROPRESS", Podolsk, Russia
The information about primary construction aspects reactor facilities with heavy liquid coolant leadbismuth, important from the point of view of design simulation of ionizing radiation transport in reactor and radiation shield is presented. The necessityof methodics of the calculation software is motivated, the ways of improving of the software are presented. The primary features of developed program PMSNSYS-II are described. The original program features were noted. This are possibility of calculations on arbitrary hexahedrons meshes with arbitrary positioning of the nearby cells. The number of cells which are adjoined to individual edge of specific cell may be equal to 127. In program are realized boundary conditions of reflection, periodicity and rotation symmetry for edges with the non-orthogonally orientation. This opportunities of PMSNSYS-II are permit to create spaceefficient meshes of reactor and shield with a high level of approximation and high quality of cells’ forms. PMSNSYS-II allow to realize calculations with using quadratures with local thickening of nodes to take into account a contribution of radiation shooting along constructional channels, chinks and gaps. The basis functional opportunities of service program REBEL-III are described. The results of testing developed software for some simple models are presented. The results of measuring of code
parallelization efficiency are presented. The further ways of next developing software are designated. The experience of commercial operation of developed programs is briefly considered.
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