Boyarinov V.F., Fomichenko P.A.
National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
Description of international time-dependent neutron transport benchmark C5G7-TD is given. Benchmark has been approved by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) in February 2015.
The first workshop C5G7-TD-1 on this matter was held in May 31, 2016. The main objective of this seminar was to specify the first benchmark phase as a series of space-time neutron kinetics test problems with heterogeneous domain description for solving the time-dependent neutron transport equation without feedbacks. Physical materials in these tests are described by transport macroscopic cross sections. Such benchmark would allow carrying out verification of developed deterministic and stochastic codes and rigorously revealing methodical errors. Authors of the C5G7-TD benchmark specification are the specialists of Kurchatov Institute, North Carolina State University, USA, and GRS, Germany.
The model of this new benchmark is based on the well-studied steady-state C5G7 benchmark problem. It is a miniature light water moderated critical assembly with sixteen fuel assemblies (minicore): eight uranium oxide (UO2) assemblies and eight mixed oxide (MOX) assemblies, surrounded by a water reflector. The new C5G7-TD benchmark is provided with the transport corrected 7-group cross sections, group neutron velocities and 8-group kinetics parameters of materials.
Two sets of exercises are defined in this benchmark. The first set consists of four two-dimensional exercises: TD0, TD1, TD2 and TD3. The second set consists of two three-dimensional exercises: TD4, TD5. Detail laws of perturbations are described in report. Perturbations are introduced promptly (by step) only in test tasks of TD0 set. In all other exercises, perturbations are introduced by the linear law (ramp). In exercises TD0, TD1, TD2 and TD4, perturbations are introduced by insertion/withdrawal of control rods groups, and in exercises TD3, TD5 perturbations are introduced by change of core moderator density. In total, 26 test tasks are defined. The work presents the detailed description of all test tasks, the set of output functionals and calculational examples of several test tasks by SUHAM-TD code using the Surface Harmonics Method.
It should be noted that at the moment more than 10 calculational codes and organizations expressed a desire to participate in calculations of C5G7-TD benchmark. The C5G7-TD benchmark Organization committee welcomes the appearance of new codes and organizations wishing to take part in calculations of this benchmark.
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