Glebov A.P., Baranaev Yu.D., Klushin A.V.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
As a result of research for about 10 years in the IPPE, OKB "Hydropress“, "Kurchatov Institute", NIKIET with water cooled reactors with SCP with thermal and fast neutron spectra. Since 2006 IPPE and OKB "Hydropress" are working together to conceptual design WWER-SKD - SKP single-loop NPP with coolant with fast-resonance neutron spectrum capacity of Ne=1700 MW. This Rector has been acknowledged as the prospect of WWER technology with the ability of a transition to the use of MOX-based (U-Pu-Th) fuel and the closed fuel cycle. State Corporation "Rosatom" recognized this trend as an innovative system and signed an agreement on Russia's participation in the GIF towards SCWR. There is a possibility of using reactors VVER-SKD with a quickly-resonant spectrum of neu-trons capacity from 0,3 to 30 MW for nuclear stations of low power (ACMM) is considered. Results of neutron-physical calculations of fuel cycles with MOX-fuel from oxide uranium and plutonium with possible duration of campaign from 2 till 20 years are presented. Preliminary results of calculations weight-dimensional characteristics in comparison with others offered NPP the specified appointment are resulted. The received results can be used at a substantiation and development of the concept of the developed reactors cooled by water at supercritical parameters, the big capacity for the future atomic.
1. Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V. Reaktor s bystro-rezonansnym spektrom neytronov, okhlazhdaemyy vodoy sverkhkriticheskogo davleniya pri dvukhkhodovoy skheme dvizheniya teplonositelya [Reactor with a fast-resonant neutron spectrum, cooled by supercritical water under a two-way flow pattern of the coolant]. Atomnaya energiya - Atomic Energy, 2006, vol. 100, no. 5, pp. 349-355.
2. Kontseptsiya reaktornoy ustanovki VVER-SKD [The concept of the VVER-SKD reactor facility]. Moscow, OKB "Hydropress“ Publ., 2007.
3. Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V. Teplovoy reaktor s uran-plutoniy-torievym toplivnym tsiklom, okhlazhdaemyy vodoy sverkhkriticheskogo davleniya pri dvukhkhodovoy skheme dvizheniya teplonositelya [Thermal reactor with uranium-plutonium-thorium fuel cycle, cooled by water of supercritical pressure with a two-way flow of the coolant]. Atomnaya energiya - Atomic Energy, 2009, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 243-249.
4. Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V. Reaktor s teplovym spektrom neytronov c (U-Pu-Th) toplivnym tsiklom okhlazhdaemyy vodoy sverkhkriticheskogo davleniya pri dvukhkhodovoy skheme dvizheniya teplonositelya [Reactor with thermal neutron spectrum c (U-Pu-Th) fuel cycle cooled by supercritical pressure water with a two-way flow pattern of the coolant]. Preprint FEI-3142 - Preprint IPPE-3142. Obninsk, 2008.
5. Baranaev Yu.D., Glebov A.P., Kirillov P.L., Klushin A.V. Reaktor, okhlazhdaemyy vodoy sverkhkriticheskogo davleniya, VVER-SKD – osnovnoy pretendent v "Super-VVER" [The reactor, which is cooled by water of supercritical pressure, VVER-SKD - the main applicant in "Super-VVER"]. Preprint FEI-3188 - Preprint IPPE-3188. Obninsk, 2010.
6. Ryzhov S.B., Mokhov V.A., Kirillov P.L., Glebov A.P. et al. Kontseptsiya odnokonturnoy RU VVER-SKD s korpusnym reaktorom, okhlazhdaemym vodoy sverkhkriticheskogo davleniya [The concept of a VVER-SKD single-loop reactor with a reactor vessel cooled by supercritical pressure water]. Trudy 5 Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma po reaktoram na SKP teplonositelya (ISSCWR-5) [Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Reactors on the SCC of the Heat Transfer Medium (ISSCWR-5)]. Vankuver, 2011.
7. Baranaev Yu.D., Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V. Ispol'zovanie reaktorov, okhlazhdaemykh vodoy sverkhkriticheskogo davleniya – VVER-SKD v zamknutom toplivnom tsikle [The use of reactors cooled by supercritical water is VVER-SKD in a closed fuel cycle]. Trudy 7 Mezhdunarodnoy Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoy Konferentsii "Bezopasnost', effektivnost' i ekonomika atomnoy energetiki" [Proc. 7th Int. Sci. Tech. Conf. "Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Energy"]. Moscow, 2010, pp. 381-383.
8. Baranaev Yu.D., Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V. Aktivnaya zona s bystro-rezonansnym spektrom neytronov so sverkhkriticheskim davleniem vody [Active zone with a fast-resonant spectrum of neutrons with supercritical water pressure]. Patent RF, no.2485612, 2013.
9. Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V., Baranaev Yu.D., Kirillov P.L. Presearch of Features of U-Pu-Th Fuel Cycle and its use for Burning up of Minor Actinides in Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor with Fast Neutron Spectrum. Proc. ICONE21. Chengdu, China, 2013.
10. Glebov A.P. , Klushn A.V. Prospects of VVER-SKD reactor in a closed fuel cycle. Nuclear Energy Tehnology, 2015, no. 1, pp. 60-67.
11. Glebov A.P., Klushin A.V. Testovyy reaktor moshchnost'yu 30 MVt dlya otrabotki tekhnologii perekhoda VVER k odnokonturnoy YaEU so sverkhkriticheskimi parametrami vody i bystrym spektrom neytronov [Test reactor with a capacity of 30 MW for the development of the VVER transition technology to a single-circuit nuclear power plant with supercritical water parameters and a fast neutron spectrum]. Trudy konferentsii "Teplofizika-2012" [Proc. Conf. "Thermophysics-2012"]. Obninsk, 2012.
12. Baranaev Yu.D., Glebov A.P., Kirillov P.L., Klushin A.V. Neutronic Characteristics of a 30 MW SCW Experimental Reactor: From Water-Cooled Power Reactor Technology to a Direct Cycle Nuclear Reactor with Supercritical Water arameters and Fast Neutron Spectrum. Proc. ISSCWR-6. Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 2013.
13. Mokhov V.A., Berkovich V.Ya., Nikitenko M.P., Makhin V.M., Churkin A.N., Kirillov P.L., Baranaev Yu.D., Glebov A.P. Kontseptual'nye predlozheniya po stendu-prototipu reaktora VVER-SKD [Conceptual proposals for the VVER-SKD reactor prototype stand]. Trudy konferentsii "Teplofizika-2015" [Proc. Conf. "Thermophysics-2015"]. Obninsk, 2015.
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19. Pivovarov V.A., Baranaev Yu.D., Morozov A.V. et al. Avtonomnyy yadernyy energoistochnik AKKORD [Autonomous nuclear power source ACCORD]. ATOMINFO.RU, 20.10.2015.
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