Kriachko M.V., Khokhlov G.N., Tsikunov A.G.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The software tool SKIF is an improved version of the CARE isotopic composition calculation code extended from the point of view of both the calculated functionals and the simulated chains of nuclear transformations and neutron cross-section libraries used in the calculation.
The SKIF program contains a special module for preparing libraries of simulated chains of nuclear reactions based on a library of possible nuclear reactions on each of the original nuclei. A distinctive feature of SKIF is the ability to track the history of accumulation of nuclides along each of the chains leading to the formation of this nuclide.
The module for converting neutron cross-section libraries from the format of the BNAB into the own format of the SKIF program has been developed for the program.
In addition, a lot of work has been done to port the program to a newer technology platform and to develop a convenient graphical interface for calculation control and results analysis.
Tools for editing and graphical visualization of the built-in and external libraries of neutron reaction cross-sections were developed during the modernization of the SKIF program.
Currently, work is underway to provide the program with modern libraries of decay data, yields of fission products and gamma-quantum yields.
Description of SKIF software and cross-verification results are presented in this paper.
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